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Why Support Us

As the world’s leading youth achievement Award, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (The Award) equips young people for life by helping them gain valuable experiences and skills; through this they become responsible world citizens. Up till today, millions of young people from around the world have taken part in the Award.

Whilst the Award allows young people to use their time efficiently, it gives them the opportunity to develop their schools of employment. The Award, with its proven impacts through research, is recognised by many important companies and institutions across the world.

The Award shows a young person that if they take responsibility and continue their activities with determination, they can reach the goals they have set for themselves.

By taking part in the Award, the young person accepts the hard challenge of developing him or herself. Once they reach their goals, they gain confidence and approach life with passion; they search for opportunities to be useful at work and in other walks of life.

With its experimental learning and individualistic approach, the Award has a proven detailed system.

The Benefits Of The Award on Young People:

Whilst young people develop skills that they can use in their daily life, these skills also help with their school life (team-work, motivation).

  • Whilst young people develop skills that they can use in their daily life, these skills also help with their school life (team-work, motivation).
  • Young people become aware of their strengths, weaknesses and areas of development.
  • They discover new areas of interest and opportunities.
  • Whilst they make new friends with their peers, they create new positive bonds with those people from different generations.
  • They learn how to make goals, reach them and sometimes even go beyond them.
  • They develop confidence.
  • They start gaining a sense of responsibility towards others.
  • They portray an active and motivational attitude to those in their environment.
  • At the end of their efforts they obtain a prestigious Award Certificate

The results of the survey; other than the benefits listed above; show that taking part in the Award improves school performance and attendance, creates a feeling of life-long learning desire, increases employment probabilities, increases awareness of social issues, increases tolerance towards others and reduces crimes and asocial behaviour.